Tuesday 8 September 2015

Reflection on what I have learnt

First off all keeping up with producing weekly blog posts was not as easy as I had expected. I got there in the end. Internet issues at home was possibly a factor.
I did see myself using this blog every day and as a visual diary for all of my WITT subjects. I'm surprised that I didn't keep up, it seemed like a really good idea and a good way to keep track of progress, develop a style, gain inspiration and put together nice blog.

Blogger.com is a nice, simple platform to use. I've enjoyed my time on here. I just wish I posted more. I would have loved to have filled in some more personal posts and developed a style, but perhaps that takes more time, and those posts may come in the future.
Even though this project has come to an end, I would still like to keep posting on here.
It is a new experience, and will take some time to get to the level of steady and professional production that I want. I feel like a blogger has to keep up to date with posts - something I will need to improve on.

I feel slightly stronger with my writing skills, it takes a lot of thought to write a post and put your words out there for the world.

I've enjoyed learning HTML, a huge frightening monster to me at the beginning, but from the first day of learning about it I discovered that it was very interesting and a great skill to have. Practise makes room for improvement and I'm feeling positive about learning more.

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