Thursday 3 September 2015

HTML Intro

I began this class with no experience of HTML or code editing. I’m looking forward to the learning experience :-)

HTML is a system for tagging elements inside a document so a browser knows what to do with it. 
A simple piece of code may be laid out like this :  <tagname>content</tagname>
  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language 
  • In our class for Web Media we use the code editor Adobe Dreamweaver. 
  • The idea behind HTML is to take a piece of text and manipulate it by wrapping it in tags. 
  • Each tag describes the portion of text it’s wrapping around. 
  • There are many different tags to learn. Each one adds a different effect to your webpage. 
  • Tags normally come in pairs <p> </p>
  • Each tag begins with < > and ends with </ > (Forward slash indicates closing tag) 
Web browsers interpret HTML documents and display them. The browser wont show the tags, it uses them to determine how the HTML content is shown. 

In class we have learnt some basic tags

- <h1>, <h2>, <h3> - Continues to <h6> - Heading tags, size varies according to level of importance.
- <p> - Paragraph tag
- <strong> - Bold text
- <em> - Italics
- <img> - Image
- <a> - Anchor - For links
- <title> - Page name

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